
EU Battery Regulation


The European Union has finally reached an agreement on the final text of the new European Batteries Regulation, which is officially just around the corner and is expected to be published in May 2023 with the aim of boosting technological progress in the sector and reducing its impact on the environment.

Ranging from the introduction of the Battery Passport - a real identity document for all batteries placed on the market - to the provision of an identifying QR code, or even, the obligation to equip batteries with BMS, and ending with precise provisions on the calculation of the carbon footprint and the future ways of recycling and recovery of materials: the new European Regulation outlines a bold and revolutionary paradigm shift in the European economic model,toward a more climate-conscious and carbon-neutral community.

But what, in detail, are the main requirements of the new European regulatory framework and what will they mean for manufacturers of electric machinery and vehicles? Our partner Flash Battery exlpored this topic in its latest blog article!

Read the details here